I needed more power and cores for faster rendering and I try to get to know how to render using net rendering in mental ray. At first time I discovered farm kind setup using backburner and other more complicated things than I wanted. I thought it's only one method but it's not. Mental ray also has something other for net rendering called "Distributed bucket rendering". It's very rapid method for setup and takes only 3 simple steps (sth two) - approximate 15 secunds. I posted image with screen shots which has description how to do this. I just want to add that if we need to share with some texutres, maps in LAN we have to check "distributed map" option. It allowes to share net disc with all stuff needed for scenes. Tutorial is for 3ds Max and works perfectly with cross system setup (I used windows XP Professional and windows 7). U have to have installed mental ray satellite or 3ds Max with it. You don't have to run max on another machine with this kind of rendering. More information you can find in 3ds Max help.

Enjoy your faster rendering's production.
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